Last night I was approached in a restaurant by Nick... Nick knows me because he's been following me online.
It's 10 months since I hired my first Videographer and started "telling our story" via video across our social media platforms at Sign Network.
Initially I fell into a trap, wanting likes... needing engagement, looking at the stats way too much!
This was short term thinking.
I knew I didn't want to create "salesy" videos, build funnels or suck our audience into exchanging their credentials - we just wanted to focus on showing YOU who we really are, what we really do and how we really navigate business, life, the highs and lows...
But... even with an authentic content plan... I still "needed" the metrics... it was my drug, it's how I began to rate my content, I even paid for this privilege ... Thank god I woke up to myself!
About 2-3 months in I changed my tactics... I started to understand that the only audience that mattered fell into to two categories...
A) current customers, and B) potential customers.
Anyone outside of this was either a waste of an advertising spend or a stroke of my ego... In fact, I took it a step further, I made myself the audience, I started making videos for me, almost in a "digital diary" style, in the sense that, maybe in 2029 we'd gather up the current SNL crew, have a massive reunion party and watch some of the content we created in 2019 for a laugh, to bond and to reflect on an epic moment in time.
We wanted to make the type of content that we actually enjoyed watching.
In my opinion, where most businesses get it wrong is they're too focused on driving revenue in the short term, this leads to the creation of shitty content with a heavy sales and marketing feel... the thing is it's called SOCIAL MEDIA for a reason... its not called SALES MEDIA or MARKETING MEDIA is it??
I think we've cracked the code on content creation for social media, this year has been full of epic results and meaningful connections but as we've been approached by other businesses to create content for "them" one of the first questions "they" ask is what's the ROI (return on investment)... I get it, that's how we're taught to think and (unfortunately) I'm too authentic to give a bullshit answer here... the fact is, if you're looking at making content for an instant return you've come to the wrong place.
The number one question you need to address is WHY... why should anyone follow your business online, what's in it for them, how can you engage with them in a way that is mutually beneficial... which brings me back to Nick.
Nick, a complete stranger, felt obliged to introduce himself because he felt like he knew me... At this moment it dawned on me... the answer to everyone's question...
What's the ROI on content creation...?
I'd say it's FAMILIARITY!
If you can reduce the barrier to entry, make a stranger (potential customer) feel more comfortable, or bring them in to being an actual part of your journey then that is the goal... it may not be as easy to track as some of the other less meaningful metrics you'll hear your typical digital marketer discussing but this is the type of social proof that I want... face-to-face, hand-shakes, eye contact... real life offline conversations!
You see, the truth is, Nick wasn't a stranger... when he told me his (@)handle, I knew exactly who he was, we've had interactions online, he's liked my stuff and I've thanked him for it and I've repaid the favour by taking an interest into what he does... you see "playing" on social is a two-way street and I believe the biggest winners are those that are willing to give more than they (expect to) get.
I wrote this post to all the "Nick's" that I've had the pleasure of meeting this year... they were brave enough to take a digital connection and bring it in to the real world - For your bravery in that moment and your invested time in our story, I thank you all.